Kamis, 09 Mei 2013



By : Laily Qidriana

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
God bless you . . .
Your excellencies the committee
The honorable the juries of the contest
The honorable the teachers
Dear my friends who participate in this speech contest

In the name of Allah , The beneficent and Mercyfull
First of all let us praise to Allah SWT because of his blessing we are able to attend this English speech contest, secondly shalawat and salam to the prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness into the brightness.

Ladies and gentlemen
Let me introduce my self, my name Laily Qidriana from Vocational High School Migas Cepu. I’m standing here, I would like to deliver my speech and the title is “Harsh punishment should be applied to students who cheat during test or an examination”.

We see, cheating has been popular in the Indonesian education. Students do cheat during exams by looking at the notes, friend’s answer, working together with a friend, or using the search engine that we call "mbah google"

According to me, cheating activities have a negative impact on the character building. I hope you have same opinion. If cheating is done continuously, there are no new generation of people who clean and characterless, it’s impossible right ? because of, the impact of cheating is the inhibition of creativity, make lazy, hopeless, and no responsibility. And one of the impact is will grow the corruptors. whether you still remember this song? Andai ku Gayus Tambunan, yang bisa pergi ke Bali. Semua keinginannya pasti bisa terpenuhi. Lucunya di negri ini hukuman bisa dibeli. Kita orang yang lemah pasrah akan keadaan

That is one example of the wrong character building. Back to the problem of cheating, institution of education was rather support the students to do cheating. As examples of current national examination, the invigilator allow examinees to cheat. there are also some teacher asked the clever student to provide answers to other students who are less proficient. So the students of their school order to pass 100% and not embarrassing the school. It is far away from the purpose and function of true education. True education is as a cultural transformation, the process of personal formation, the process of preparation of citizens, and for the preparation of labor.

How to know the ability of the students? Yes, from test or examination. Accordance with the function and purpose of education, examination should not only be measured from value but also from student’s mental and skill. When examinees cheat, of course, examinees is not ready financially and mentally. But unfortunately, in Indonesia the activities of cheating is considered reasonable and the punishment is nothing. And when we see to developed country such as Japan and French. According to them, the activity of cheating is criminal and very embarrassing.

The punishment will be given to students who have been known cheating harshly. Not only getting punishment administratively, but also punishment socially. For example in Japan, students which caught cheat will be drop out from his school or his university. And the news will be scattered quickly. While in university Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne (EMSE) in French, when the test of welding, there was a students who did cheating. So he got punishment. The punishments are 5 years not allow to follow exams and the career in military will be closed 100%. Amazing right?

Ladies and gentlemen
The harsh punishment like that can produce the people who have good character. And make their country to be development country and the activities of corruption were minimum. We want to like that, don’t we? So, what must we do? One of the solve is a harsh punishment should be applied to students who cheat during a test or an examination. Students who cheat should be given strict punishment, considered a failure, and was given additional penalties such as suspension or other. Punishment should be carried out immediately and no tolerance. The other side we also must gave the reward to those who are honest.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I think it’s enough for me. I’m sorry if I done many mistakes when I delivered my speech. Before my speech end, I would like to give you a sentence “To change the world, start from our selves. Willing is not enough, so do it”. Thank’s for your attention and finally I say. Good bye . . .Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

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