Senin, 06 Mei 2013



By : Janeke Waromi

The honorable juries representing, to all of the teacher here attending, and to all of the audiences, ladies and gentlemen, Good morning everyone !!
First of all, let us thank to GOD because of His blessing, we all can gather here on this event.
Secondly, I will introduce my name. My name is JANEKE WAROMI, I come from VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL MIGAS CEPU. In this opportunity, I would like to tell you my speech about “ How important the Natioal Exam for You ?
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Exam has become a necessity in some education. If we study in school to the next grade, we have to pass series of exams. Whether it's exam routine, midterms, or final exams. With exam results was noted in the form of report cards. Certainly, student’s achievement can be monitored on a periodic basis.
We certainly can ask, that all the teaching learning process is conducted in a classroom, where there is intensive interaction in face-to-face between teachers and students, whether the execution should ultimately be determined finally through a national exam? Is not traveling for 3 years and 6 semesters it has also passed various test series? that student achievement can be seen clearly the extent of development and improvement. We can see, a student who was actually in the everyday participation in the learning process had a higher level of intelligence, perception for good, always got superior value and a good class ranking. When he faced the national exam, he did not pass. While students are learning everyday arguably the mediocre, values ​​tend to be less, and the perception is not good, but he passed the national exam. This is quite unfortunate.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
With the national exam and graduation requirements that are considered "high", making students, parents, and teachers "restless". Of anxiety can lead to two different sides. Where, on the one hand will give a positive value, students being encouraged to think critically in the right well and active, parents can also give care and attention to their children's education by way of consultation to schools about the learning difficulties of children and involving children to follow in some courses, a professional teacher can complete learning existing materials also developed models for guidelines exams.

On the other hand, concerns of various parties encourage dishonorable practices. In order to pass 100 percent of their students, not a teacher or the school share an answer key, cheating to each other, commit fraud or omissions. One example is the case of Mrs. Siami, the parents named of Alif Ahmad Maulana, Gadel II Elementary School, District Tandes, Surabaya. She reported cases of massal cheating in their children's school. However, ironically, Mrs. Siami, which would act honestly, it expelled the people who are worried about their children’s not pass the examination.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Need further improvement in the level of educational affairs policy holders. Improving the quality of teachers, the availability of books supporting learners' learning, teaching methods, to observations of the atmosphere of mental and psychological students.
Format and the national examination system, is a good concept and ideal. National exam become one of the ways of the government in order to improve the quality of education in Indonesia with standardization that has applied, but there was determination in the direction needs to be coupled with an increase in the professionalism of all parties.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
From here we can conclude, that the national exam is important, but through good preparation, good attention, and cooperation with well executed by all parties ranging from students, teachers, parents, the government, even though the community is also very important. And the most important is how we can run it with everything honestly. Honesty is expensive, but what does it mean if we are always in dishonesty.
There is my speech. I’m sorry if I have mistakes and thank you for your attention

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